An Inexpensive Train Trip Around Europe
Just to show that you, too, can vacation in Europe, taking in some of the most beautiful sights in the world, without spending a lot, I have summarized my itinerary and totaled the expenses for my recent train odyssey around Europe. The details of this fantastic trip have been described in detail in the most recent postings on this website. Looking back, it was one of the best trips I’ve ever taken. I hope this will encourage you to take the plunge and get out there and see this interesting part of the world.

Day 1; Fly from San Francisco, California to Frankfurt, Germany
Day 2: Arrive Frankfurt; take train to Mannheim, Germany
Day 3: Paris, France
Day 4: Bordeaux, France
Day 5: San Sabastian, Spain
Madrid, Spain
Day 6: Barcelona, Spain
Day 7: Marsailles, France
Day 8: Genoa, Italy
Day 9: Monterosso, Italy and the Cinque Terre Hike
Day 10: Rome, Italy, including the Vatican
Day 11: Naples, Italy and Sorrento, Positano and the Amalfi Coast
Day 12: Bologna, Italy
Day 13: Innsbruck, Austria
Day 14: Nuremburg, Germany
Day 15: Prague, Czech Republic
Day 16: Berlin, Germany
Day 17: Frankfurt, Germany
Day 18: Fly from Frankfurt, Germany to San Francisco, California
Consider substituting your own destination choices in place of Bordeaux, France, San Sabastian, Spain and Bologna, Italy…perhaps for more time in Rome and Naples, Italy. Remember also that you must be flexible when traveling without reservations. For example, when I couldn’t find lodging in San Sabastian, I went on to Madrid, arriving at 11 PM, and ended up staying up all night partying with the locals. Not in my original plans, but definitely a night to remember!

Summary of Costs
Airfare, San Francisco to Frankfurt, roundtrip $481.50
Found this great deal at
Eurail Pass, 15 Day $717.00
Eurail Supplements/Reservations $111.00
Food (most breakfasts included in lodging) $200.00
Average $10.00 per day
Lodging (average $65.00 per night) $1,091.00
Total $2600.50

It’s An Even Better Deal When Two Travel Together!
For a two and a half week trip to Europe, $2600.50 for total expenses is awesome! Remember that when two are traveling together, the second Eurail ticket is less expensive than the first. Also, lodging for two will average less per person than for a single traveler. With a little planning and attention to costs along the way, you, too, can have a great trip like I had without spending a lot.